BitTorrent is often referred to as the best filesharing protocol for sharing large files. But why? What makes BitTorrent so unique? Well, lets take a sneak peek under the hood of your BitTorrent client, and list a couple of features that make BitTorrent as fast, stable, and robust as it is. How it all Starts BitTorrent starts with chopping a file into small pieces, the person who starts sharing the file ( initial seed ) sends those small pieces to available peers in the swarm . The BitTorrent protocol makes sure that the seed sends a unique piece to everyone, so they can immediately exchange these pieces with each other. Thus, the great advantage is that everyone starts sharing pieces of the file right away. Fair trading Once you have a little piece of the file, your BitTorrent client tries to find other people who might be interested in the pieces you have. The BitTorrent protocol works as a tit-for-tat game, you only upload pieces to people who offer something to you. T...
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