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Internet Explorer 8 Final Standalone/Offline Installer

Microsoft released the final build of highly anticipated Internet Explorer 8 (IE8). IE8 is packed with new features such as smart address bar, session saving, tab groups, CSS 2.1 support, accelerators, web slices, instant search as well as various other reliability and security enhancements. Also, web browsing/loading speeds on IE8 were considerably faster compared to predecessors. It's definitely a huge improvement over Internet Explorer 7 and perhaps the best IE release yet by Microsoft.

[internet explorer 8 final logo[3].jpg]

The new IE8 feature list is quite long and would mess up the post if published here. Those who want more info can find the full list here. You can now download the full installer for IE 8 final directly from Microsoft. It's a recommended upgrade for anyone who is using IE7 or pre-release/RC builds of IE8.

Download links
