Facebook widget is a free widget that you can find in the recommended section of Ovi Store.Installation is pretty straight forward and there are no initial settings to be bothered about. You can straight away start "facebooking" from your 5800s!
The welcome screen is the very familiar login screen.Home screen gives you access to most of the facebook features like news feed from your friends, events (you can accept/deny events), messages, notifications, pokes etc. At the bottom of the screenshot, you can see links to navigate around facebook (Home, your profile, friends, photos and inbox). You can set your status by navigating to your profile.
One can see a camera icon on the top left corner of the widget, clicking on which opens up a pop-up, giving you the option of uploading photos from your phone gallery and even capture a photo using the built-in camera. Navigating through photos is one of the best features of this client, letting the users browse through albums in both portrait and landscape modesPros
- A very easy to use widget, fully optimized for finger touch browsing
- Brings most of the facebook features on the mobile client
- Photos can be seen in full screen, by adjusting the orientation accordingly
- Inbox message exchanges are displayed in ichat bubble like format
- Attempting to perform some tasks repeatedly "freezed" the widget
- The widget performance was a bit slow compared to performing similar tasks in the symbian browser
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